How many times is Cornel West married? Explore His Wiki Facts & Net Worth Details

Publish date: 2024-05-17

A prominent and provocative democrat, Cornel West is a multi-talented personality. He is an American philosopher, political activist, social critic, author. Adding to that he is also a public intellectual.

By keeping the inhumane and racist thoughts out of the track, Cornel West walks the path of focusing on the role of race, gender, cast in American society and the means by which people act and react to their “radical conditionedness”. Cornel West also draws intellectual contributions from multiple traditions

Cornel West has an experience of teaching in World’s best universities like Yale, Harvard, and the University of Paris. He has also taught at  Union Theological Seminary.

Cornel is all over the headlines for calling the president of The United States, Donald Trump a gangster recently. Explore more of Cornel West wiki facts including details of Cornel West married life, his wife and Cornel West net worth as of 2018.

Cornel West Q&A

In the Q&A panel that focused on the Freedom of speech and the right to offend, Cornel West hit out Donald Trump by labeling him as a gangster.

Liberal senator Eric Abetz, WA Labor MP Anne Aly, free speech advocate Lindsay Shepherd and people’s panelist Jeremy Bell, were also in the panel where they were questioned whether Australia was in danger of being “infected” after Donald Trump was described as a symptom rather than the cause of the current situation in the US.

In the context, Cornel West replied that America was experiencing a decline and that wealth inequality was increasing. He then warned President Donald Trump as a “gangster” who came out of a rich but negative tradition of using his insecurity to put others down.

In the Q&A philosopher, Cornel West had stated about Donald Trump saying :

“When he grabs a woman’s private parts or makes jokes about it, [or] he’s going to get oil in another country, that’s gangster.

In Cornel West Q&A he also added;

“Calling Mexicans rapists. Dishonoring and demonizing precious Muslims. That’s gangster,”

How Many Times Is Cornel West Married?

Cornel West has been married three times and divorced twice. Cornel West was first married in 1977. Cornell West first wife was Hilda Holloman. Cornel West has a son named as Clifton Louis from his first marriage.

After his first marriage was unsuccessful, In 1981, he was again married to Romona Santiago. Unfortunately Cornel West and his second wife Romona Santiago also ended up in getting a divorce.

Currently, Cornel West is married to wife Elleni Gebre Amlak. Let’s just hope it turns out well for the man.

Cornel West Wiki-Bio

Cornel West was born on June 2nd, 1953. Cornel West is currently 65 years old. Cornel West holds an American nationality and is of Black ethnicity.

Cornel West went to Princeton and Harvard University. He has written 20 books and edited 13 of them. Cornel West is best known for his classics Race Matters and Democracy Matters and his memoir, Brother West Living and Loving Out Loud.

Cornel West Net Worth

As of 2018, Cornel West net worth is estimated to be around $500 thousand. The credit to Cornel West net worth goes to his career as a philosopher and to add more to his net worth he is also a political activist, social critic, author, and public intellectual.
