Taylor Woolston Passes Away, A North Tonawanda student

Publish date: 2024-05-19

The North Tonawanda community said a student who had a very special place in their hearts passed away this past week.

Taylor was not only a daughter, sister, and granddaughter, but also a dedicated volunteer at NTHS. She was a friend as well.

She always made time for them while they played on the field because the younger kids looked up to her as their older sister.

At the sporting events for her own high school, she would frequently run across the younger siblings of the players, and she would always take the time to hug them or have a brief conversation with them.

Another reason why our community is the best: her quick wit and appealing grin were the ideal compliments to her kind and caring attitude. I appreciate you all helping this family in any way you can. We increased the goal in hopes of helping this family with even more expenditures! We now have the opportunity to help them in their time of need because they are always there for others! Tayler Woolston has changed roles throughout her family’s extensive involvement with the NTAA, from sister to athlete to volunteer.

Tayler volunteered to assist her with the cleanup or in the concession stand whenever she had the chance. She always made time for them while they played on the field because the younger kids looked up to her as their older sister. At the sporting events for her own high school, she would frequently run across the younger siblings of the players, and she would always take the time to hug them or have a brief conversation with them. Her keen wit and endearing grin, which she inherited from her father and mother, respectively, were the perfect accents to her empathetic and caring character.

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