David Lee Murphy, Party Crowd Lyrics Uncovered

Publish date: 2024-05-21

David Lee Murphy's 1995 hit song 'Party Crowd' was a song for which he had the melody and some lyrics tucked away in his notebook for almost a year before he even wrote it.

"It was a song idea that I just couldn't walk away from," Murphy tells Taste of Country. "I kept going back to it and would always think, 'Boy ... that would be a good one to do!'"

It wasn't until Murphy hooked up with songwriting buddy Jimbeau Hinson in the fall of 1993 when he pulled out that idea. The two hashed out the party anthem tune at Hinson's farm within a couple of hours.

"Tonight I'm looking for a party crowd / Slammin' 'em back and laughin' out loud / Where the smoke's so thick / The blues can't hang around / With a jukebox jumpin' / Like it just don't care / If they're dancin' over here or fightin' over there / I'm makin' the rounds lookin' for a party crowd," Murphy sings in the lyrics of the song's infectious chorus.

"I knew when I left [Jimbeau's house] that it was a special song," remembers Murphy. "I played it in my truck going home that day, which was not very far from my house at the time. I just felt like it was going to be a hit."

Murphy's instict was right on par, as the song became a Top 10 hit for the singer, and still to this day, 'Party Crowd' is one of the most requested songs on country radio and in dance clubs nationwide.

"Jimbeau and I had written a lot of songs together over the years," notes Murphy. "He is what I called the 'big name songwriter' when I first moved to Nashville. It was a great experience for me to get together with him early on in my career, and then again later on. We wrote 'Party Crowd' a good 10 years down the road after we first started writing. It was just really cool how it all worked out the way it did."

Watch David Lee Murphy's 'Party Crowd' Video
